Logistics Services

Our Logistics Services

Effective logistics is lifeblood of any company. Without the right logistics partner, companies will find business difficult. That is why Troika Investment  ensures that the best form of logistics suitable for your kind of business is available and affordable. Below are some of our key competence areas:

  • Leasing of light and heavy duty vehicles
  • Leasing of tug boats and Barges
  • Haulage of materials
  • Supply of personnel
  • Dredging and other Marine Services
  • Shore Protection

Some Jobs Done

  • Leasing of heavy duty vehicles to Nigeria Agip Oil Company
  • 2. Haulage of iron ore to Socotherm Nig. Ltd.
  • 3. Haulage of chippings to Daewoo and Hyundai heavy industries

our logistics strategy

  • One
  • Two

Sectors we have worked with


Trade Forex with leverage, sixty currency pairs, fast execution and No Dealing Desk.


Trade 15 Index CFDs and take a position according to your view of the overall market.


Trade gold and silver and take advantage of our advanced platforms and no-deposit-fees policy.

oil & gas

Trade Brent Crude and WTI light crude oil. No deposit fees.

let's move your business ahead together!